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New Dual Sport Models Coming To US, Honda CRF300LS and XR150L

Jan 28, 2024

Im not sure what a carb has to do with beginners, no offense. Grew up with thumpers all of us in the seventies/80s and we never had efi. In fact, I’d say having something basic is less likely to crap out on a beginner, leaving a bad taste in their mouth for ‘not knowing why’ the bike won't run. Plus they’re easier to fix, even for the novice wanting to know what makes their bike run.In addition it also encourages the aftermarket industry to offer upgraded exhaust. Looks like that carb could use new jetting for that shinny new exhaust. Think about it. Who's gonna R&D a 125-300 exhaust for an efi bike? But heck yeah, you can easily do that when a customer will either re jet or hire a shop to do so. It's a win win with a carb.